"Amour" is a 2012 french-language romantic drama film written and directed by the Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke, starring Jean-Louis Trintigant, Emmanuelle
Riva and Isabelle Huppert. The narrative focuses on an elderly couple, Anne and
Georges, who are retired music teachers with a daughter who lives abroad. Anne
suffers a stroke which paralyses her on the right side of her body. The film
was screened at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, where it won the Palme d'Or. It
won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 85th Academy
Awards, and was nominated in four other categories: Best Picture, Best Actress
in a Leading Role (Emmanuelle Riva), Best Original Screenplay (Michael Haneke)
and Best Director (Michael Haneke). At the age of 85, Emmanuelle Riva is the
oldest nominee for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
The reason why I
have chose this poster for analysis is because the film is centered around the
love story of an elderly couple which is similar in a way to our film as our
film features an elderly widow reminiscing over the times she spent with her
husband. We thought that the poster for "Amour" perfectly summed up
what the film was about as it showed the husband protagonist affectionately
holding his elderly wife's face. We have had an idea that we could do two
separate posters, both being similar in style to the poster for amour but with
one of them being with our protagonist as an elderly woman and one of them with
her when she was much younger.
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