Monday, 25 April 2016

3. What have you learnt from audience feedback?

From the target audience which we conducted we were able to receive an ample amount of audience feedback. Pictured below are  some screenshots taken from earlier posts showing a questionnaire which we sent out and analysis of the feedback which we received. 


-Question 1.) What age Range are you in?

This question was asked so that we could find out a bit more about what the people we were asking questions to were like. We asked a wide range of different ages so as to get the most reliable result possible.

-Question 2.) Do you enjoy watching art-house films?

The response to the question "Do you enjoy watching art house films?" was quite positive. We asked this question because we would consider our film an art-house film and we wanted to find out what the general consensus was as to whether most people liked this genre of film or not. We were expecting that the majority of our respondents would answer "No" to this question as we thought that "art-house" was a very little known genre but we were very pleased to find out that 65% of the people we asked actually enjoyed watching "art-house" films which we think could mean that our film would have a good chance of being successful with audiences.

-Question 3.) Have you watched Pan's Labyrinth?

The next question which we asked was "Have you watched Pan's Labyrinth?". We thought that this would be a good question to ask as this could also be considered an "art-house" film and although we already found that the majority of people enjoy watching films of this genre, we wanted to get people's opinions on specific films to further understand more about our target audience. Once again we were not expecting to get a very positive result from this question because "Pan's Labyrinth" is not only an "art-house" film but it is also a foreign language which we thought would mean that it would have much more of a niche audience. Despite this, we were pleasantly surprised to find out that 55% of our respondents had watched "Pan's Labyrinth".

-Question 4.) Have you watched Memento?

The next question we asked on our questionnaire was "Have you watched Memento?". "Memento" is a 2000 American neo-noir psychological thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan. The reason why we decided to ask a question about "Memento" is because not only is it an independent film, but it also uses a non-linear story line as an integral part of its narrative structure. Non-linear story lines can often be a very interesting way of telling a story, however due to being hard to follow and difficult to understand for some viewers as more attention is required, they can also unfortunately be unpopular among audiences. As our film has a non-linear narrative structure, we decided that it would be a good idea to see how many people has watched "Memento" which is one of the most famous films with a non-linear narrative structure. Unfortunately only 25% of our respondents had watched "Memento".

-Question 5.) Have you watched The Grand Budapest Hotel?

"The Grand Budapest Hotel" is a 2014 comedy film written and directed by Wes Anderson. "The Grand Budapest Hotel" received widespread critical acclaim, particularly for the film's visual style, Anderson's screenplay and direction, and Fiennes' lead performance. We decided to ask a question regarding whether or not our respondent had watched this film because we were inspired by the by the cinematography, mise-en-scene and particularly in the use of specific colour palettes and we adopted many of Anderson's techniques during the production of our film and we therefore wanted to see what people thought of "The Grand Budapest Hotel" and whether people had watched it or not. We got a fairly balanced response to this question with 45% of people saying that they had watched the film.  

-Question 6.) Have you seen The Lobster?

"The Lobster" is a 2015 film directed by Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos in his English language feature film debut. We chose to ask a question about this film because it's a recent independent film. As our film is also an independent film, we thought that doing this might give us some insight onto what people thought of this specific genre. Unfortunately, we were disappointed to find out that only 15% of our respondents had seen this film.

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